Thursday, September 21, 2017

3 Steps for Guaranteed Success

Do you want to be successful?

I hoped out of my bed, walked into my office and pop'd open my laptop. I then landed on this random video from Mr. Vivek Bindra . He's so full of energy, he's pumped up and packed with great information.

He hit on some great points and delivered some insightful information. These steps are easy to accomplish and will definitely help you think begin seeing changes in your life.

Now, if you want success, you have to have create a plan. 

See the steps below and apply them to your life daily to help you reach your goals and watch how success begins to happen in your favor.

1. Know What You Want

Set a goal and become clear. You need clarity. You need to focus on specific goals. You need to know what you and what you have to do.

This clarity will allow you to live with purpose.

When you know what you want, know where your going and know what has to be completed, growth begins happening in your life. Apply this to all areas of your life and see a huge change inyour and your life.

2. When You Stretch You Grow. 

When you stretch your limits you stretch your mind. You have to change your limits and expand your mind of what your think you can do. When you expand your limits, great things begins to happen. 

You have to stretch yourself. You have to push pass those limiting beliefs you've previously had and dominate yourself. You must find the motivation, the power, the thing inside of you that makes you act and go for it.

Once you begin stretching yourself you can and will become limitless. When you feel limitless  you can do anything.

Set higher goals for yourself. 10X your current goals right now!

With this mindset and right work ethic, the world is yours. 

3. Any You Cannot Measure You Cannot Improve.

You have to know the analytics. You have to know the results of what your doing. You have to be able to measure what your doing and keep track.

When you create a plan and begin doing the necessary things to move towards your goals you have to measure, so you can see things happening. This will give you the will power to keep acting and you will begin believing in yourself.

You have to focus on the end result and take each step necessary to reach that goal.

Plan, control, organize, actuate. 

Start now. Begin figuring out what you want to do and set some stretch goals today. 

Get out a pen and paper, a laptop or your cell phone and begin brainstorming. 

Take notes and begin acting them, Now.

Make sure your creating goals that are beyond you and stretch yourself. 

Understand the end result and begin tracking your daily actions to get you where you want to go.

Follow these three steps daily and watch things in your life begin to change. 

If you would like to see the video that inspired this post, watch below:

Let me know if you have any takeaways or would like to add anything to this list?

Email me @:


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I hope this helps. Have a great day today bruh bruh!!

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