Monday, July 31, 2017

A Passion for Something...

Have you ever had a passion for doing something?

Like Anything?

And id you do anything that something?

This is the problem everyone who is not living up to their true potential are going through. They sit and think and think. Do more thinking and a lot of talking with more thinking. 

The way to follow your passion is to Get Shit Completed.

You have to really be passionate about something and start working at it.

Fingers to keyboard, pen to paper.

The people who are following their passion and accomplishing goals are putting in the work everyday 

No Excuses. 

People hate trends and hate whats going on this current state of the world.

We’re going through a massive change in society. We are going into the age of technology and this shits happening. Like it or not. 

It’s a mix of great and bad all at the same time.

I believe the real passionate and real hard workers are going to be the separators of the world moving forward. 

I believe finding the passion in yourself is very important. No matter what it is, you have a chance. Everybody has a real chance at life right now, especially if you live in America. 

No Joke. 

We’re in the beginning stages of a whole new world. 

Either get on board and follow your passion. Or get the fuck out the way and hop your your cell phone. 

If you’re reading this right now. You must be a person who is on board or trying to get on board. 

I pray for your hard work and dedication to your PASSION. You can do it. 

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Non-stop research

These past few days I've been doing nothing but researching copy writing. I am submerging myself into this world. 

I've been receiving great advice from many, many, many people. One of my main takeaways is to start doing work for free for my friends and family. 

Once I get some work started and completed. I'll get my portfolio together and build start moving forward with what I feel will be my new career.

To be 110% honest I'm really nervous. I really don't know what the hell to do. I just know I am a salesman, I really love to write and I've always been the guy trying to do advertising for someone. 

Copy writing seems as thought it would challenge me and make me really apply myself more than ever. 

I went to this toast masters meet up yesterday and this guy asked me "Why do I like to write". I've never had someone ask me that question before and it through me off a little. I sat there for a few seconds to figure out the real reason why and all I could say was I just really enjoy doing it. Writing makes me feel good. It gets me out of my bed in the morning and keep me up at night. 

I don't try to write when I write, I just write. It's also a really great feeling of completion. I've get really lazy at times and I fuck around on social media a lot and there are days I feel like I didn't so shit. 

When I write, I know what I have to do and I know what it takes to finish. Writing makes me feel good because I have complete control over it. It's either I do it or I don't and that's it. No grey areas, no one else to blame, no excuses, it is what it is. You know what you must do to get through whatever your writing by getting to the end. 

I believe this new copywriting venture will work out great. All I know is that I must keep writing and doing work for people. And allow my skills to grow through practice and persistence. 

Wish me luck, 
until the next post.

Have a Great Day today...

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

When things start feeling right.

I woke up today and got a good walk in. Last night I began reading Gary Halberts Letter and the book begins by him speaking about the being fit and taking care of your health.

Soo of course after reading that last night I woke up and went for a 2 mile walk. I sweated a little bit and brought Eli, my dog. It morning exercise is really great. I feel wide awake right now and ready to attack my day.

The reason why I started reading Gary Halberts Letters Book is because I'm considering getting into copy writing. I really believe this is a career that would be greta for me. I love writing and this career is exactly what I need to do.

I've heard of copy writing before but never dug deep into it. These past few days this is the only thing I've been doing. I've just been listening to people say how difficult it is but very rewarding at the same time.

Now, if you'v been reading my blog for the past few days, you know how serious I have been about finding a job that can allow me to be free and do things. This job is definitely that.

When I think about my life and what I have always done to move forward and grow. I always find myself doing advertising for myself. Without knowing I was creating copy for the past 10 years of my life.

I think this may be it. I'm going to keep pushing towards this and make this happen. It makes the most since and it's something I am proud of. I've always been the guy who like creating ads for something. It's just fun. Being able to create something that gets people to react and buy what they want is always fun.

Spending money is fun. Getting what we want is fun. This career will allow me to have fun and help people have fun by spending their hardworking money on things they want like myself.

I'm going to step up to the plate on this one.

I'm really fucking excited because I think I've finally discovered something that I like to do and it not only pays well. It will allow me to travel and work from my laptop. This is all I really want to do with my life.

I need to travel and experience things. By this Friday I will have a least started working on my website and I'm going to get to writing way more then ever.

Anytime something comes to my mind. It's going to get written down.

This shits really cool. I'm kinda nervous but I'm really not. I really like to sale and I really like to write. These two things are what is required to be a successful copy writer and I feel like that's me.

We will see what happens my friends. Thanks for checking in and I will keep you posted.

If anyone reading this is a copy writer. I would love for you to reach out to me. I'm open to any new copy writer suggestions???

Have a great Tuesday everybody.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Weed helps...

Weed helps me be creative and lowkey more productive. Especially in the morning. When i wake and bake, I fuckin create with ease. I workout, make breakfast read. exercise, meditate and so on. When I don't smoke, I find myself being more lazy.

I don't know why.

I think the weed may be my motivation. My morning driver to get up and get high.

There is something great in being high, like really. Have you ever been really high and tried to be creative. The shit works. At least it works for me.

I think the world needs a weed day, not for 4/20 but actually a real life weed day and everyone gets high. That day in real life would never happen but think of all the great things that would happen if we did have a weed day.

There would probably be minimum violence. It would be like a time of peace and love. Pure good vibes.

Like really, when have you ever heard of a riot or a big fight at a concert, when it was a smoke fest or something in those lines. Never.

The weed is such a beautiful drug. Like right now at this very moment I'm not high. And the thought of being high right now, just puts a big smile on my face.

I remember those morning when I would wake up at 5am just to be able to smoke and write in the mornings. I would spark up on my patio, look at the mountain and get loaded and start the writing.

I don't know why I just wrote about how I feel about weed, but I did.

Marijuana, I appreciate

If you smoke and have a cool story share it and lets laugh about it.

Until then, I'm out.

ohh and p.s. If my writing is all fucked up and stuff, I didn't reread it.

Good night...

Sunday, July 23, 2017

How did you wake up today?

Today when I woke up I had a little mental battle with myself. I was thinking how great it felt laying in my bed. The sun wasn't even lifted high enough to brighten my room. It's fuckin early. Then I thought to myself get your ass up and go write something. Today was the first time in a while I actually listened to myself and got up and started typing. To this exact minute, the sun is still parked underneath the mountains.

I don't know why I told myself to get up and write, but here I am.

I always wonder what people think of my writing. It's like I don't give a damn but I do at the same time. I think I care a little because I want to always find someway to provide value. I always want people to leave me with more than we meet. Either smiling, think about something they haven't thought about in a while or a life realization, just something.

I'm been considered a deep person from some on my friends. I love having conversations where it leads to something about life, our decisions and takeaways. I find myself always being the person to get someone to cry in simple conversations, by simply asking questions Shit gets to real sometimes.

Lowkey, I wonder if people even care about each other anymore. I'm the type of person who treats everyone the same. I enjoy hearing stories and I enjoy telling them as well. But some of the conversations I've had with individuals seem as though no one really asked them questions before. It's weird. I've had a a decent amount of people thank me for just listening.

One thing I fight with is figuring out how to use what I love, to find a career. The only thing I really want to do is travel the world, meet different people and work from my laptop. I swear that's like the dream. Waking up when you feel like it, doing what makes you feel good, building relationships with different people and working hard on your passion.

I wonder how many people struggle to find what they love to do. Like really struggle, that trying stuff and failing, back to back.

I'm starting to believe that most people don't really care about figuring what they love to do. I think most people only care about paying their bills and buying shit. I'm starting to believe those are the real lucky people.

The people who can just watch television or be online all day without any thought of "what am I doing" is dope. I'm around a lot of these types of people and I get it. There is no worry, no expectation of self, no goals, no drive, it's wild.

But to the people who are out in this world going for something. Stay strong and stay as focused as you can on your goals. Possibilities are real, they just take a little time.