Today, I reached that boiling point of fuck it and start put myself out to the world.
Have you ever reached a point in your life where you need to quit learning so much and just start doing?
Well, that's what I'm on now. So far, I've sent 6 emails to different companies looking for blog help.
I figure I can start will doing work for free to start gaining some experience and eventually turn that free work, into paying work.
I don't know what to hell I'm going to do, I don't know what the projects are going to look like. But, I've been reading a bunch, watching a bunch of youtube videos, downloaded a bunch of apps, started reading a new book.
I'm currently reading "Ogilvy on Advertising". I read he's like one of the Gods of copy writing and advertising, so it only makes sense for me to start with his book.
It;s definitely worth the read. Right now int he book, he's talking about the importance of research and knowing the audience you are writing for. He also talks about the importance of continously learning your craft and being the best in your field.
But let's see how things go. I'm starting to put myself out to the world.
I'm ready to do my best and work my hardest to deliver great copy and possibly make someone some sales. I'm ready!
The start of my writing career is officially beginning.
I hope all of you are going after your dreams and goals. Hopefully one day, we can share the experience of wanting to make something happen and really live up to it and beyond.
Start your journey today if you've been lagging it. If you've been needing a little push. I just pushed ya, let's go.
The moment you start to act on who you really are things start to to change very quickly. - Gary V
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