Thursday, December 7, 2017

Gary Vee Episode 355

This was a very impactful video for me. The thought of Legacy being looked at as greater than currency is a Big Fucking deal.

It's the biggest thing to me because of my current life position. I have a great job but it's not what I want to do for my life.

The big picture is what I'm living for and when I hear a multimillionaire say this is what it's a;; about then I'm all on board.

I create content and create, create, create more and more. I am forcing myself to work. I'm changing my surroundings and the things I listen to every day.

I fucking with everything in my life to make a global Legacy. I try and do things to stay as active as possible. I can't wait until I look back on this post and say.

I kept it going and didn't stop striving and now I'm here. Fucking look at me mutherfucker.

Just getting in my fucking zone not being scared. Watch this fucking video.

Let's Go. Get yourself in your zone, you can do it. Just do the reps baby, every day. Do the reps.

Thank you Gary. 

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

3 Tips for Impact for you today

1. Create Your Own Energy.

2. Turn Passion into Obsession.

3. Make Winning a Necessity.

By: Tom Bilyeu and Brendon Burchard 

This had a great impact on me this morning and I had to share this. 

I hope this one post helps at least one person to act, just a little more before you seen this post.

Have a Great Day today!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Some Morning Pump up

Listen to This. 

Hold yourself accountable.

And Do Something about it.

By: Tom Bilyeu

Monday, December 4, 2017

Go Buy Casey Neistat Merch

Casey's got merr ch. Casey's goott meerr chh.

Heck yea. I'm down for this, go buy

GO support him becuase he supports us with creativty. I'm picking mines up ASAP.


Tom Bilyeu interviews Gary Vaynerchuk

This is a great interview hosted by Tom Bilyeu on his show Impact Theory. He interviewed Gary Vaynerchuk and asked some really good questions to think about and Gary's answers, like always. Just made a bunch of sense.

If you're trying to do something with your life or have goals you're trying to go after, listen to this and use it. 

Take some of his advice and take the steps necessary to grow as an individual.

You can do it, my friend.


Friday, December 1, 2017

Jay-Z Interview with Dean Baquet

This was one of the best interviews I've seen in a while.

It's great to hear Jay-Z talking his life as a black man in America and how he really goes into the issues with his wife Beyonce.  He still kinda dodges the questions a little bit but he touches on the subject enough to get you to understand he was in some shit with her.

I also appreciate Dean for asking some really good questions. You can see it in Jay-Z's face how much those questions really hit him.

But if you have the time check out this interview and let me know what you think?