I've been working towards creating a fascinating blog for individuals. I've tried many times, and failed time after time. But I'm not going to stop trying until I obtain this goal of mine. I feel like this presence online will not only inspire but also motivate people to follow their dreams.
I'm just a man who's been burned by people and maintains a smile on my face. Never let this crazy world throw you off. It's tried with me many times and it will never defeat me, in JESUS name. I am a follower of truth, happiness, encouragement, courage, trust and honesty. I am only human and we are all the same.
I am a huge music junky. Nothing like getting lost into something that makes you move, think and feel good. Music is the one thing that can control our mind, body and souls unconsciously. I think it's fuckin amazing. I'm sorry if I offend anyone with my words but fuck, I wouldn't be writing this if I couldn't be honest with who I am .
Now as your slowly guiding your brain though each word typed. Remember you are in my place, my facility, my kingdom come. Present yourself with remarks, simple comments, reposts, words of ignorance, rants, what ever you feel.
As I once said do you not them.
This song is super dope.
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