If you're a real Kanye West fan, then I fucks with you bruh.
I feel like this man is life changing.
I believe Kanye West can single handedly change society. And it's slowly happening.
As this new generation of kids/teenagers grow in this instagram influencer world we live in. It's creating a huge change in our society. Believe it or not.
I believe, the future is going to be very cool.
I believe, the future is going to be very cool.
More love. More money. More success. More things. More positive vibes. Less hate.
Like on some, real life shit!
The current state of America is fueled by a bunch of bullocks. (bullshit)
False stories, fake news, laziness and so on. Bullshit, single minded way of thinking and living.
The goal of America is to dream big and act. But the actions of most Americans , are over think and and judgmental.
Here's a few questions to ask yourself. What is your first thought, test your subconscious!
Here's a few questions to ask yourself. What is your first thought, test your subconscious!
Do you believe what you hear or read?
Do you believe America is a good or bad country? Do you believe Russia is a good or bad country?
Do you believe Kayne West is a genius? Do you believe Kayne West is a fucking idiot?
Do you love someone else, that's not in your immediate your family?
Do you believe in the unseen?
Do you believe in the unseen?
This world is going through another HUGE transition in history.
Like, how it went from hanging black people in your front lawn, to "My president is Black, my Lamborghini is blue.
This new generation is a becoming a Kanye West generation.
Just like a we are all living in a Steve Jobs generation. He made a shift in society with iPhone's and technology.
Kayne is shifting society through music, education, design, love and self truth.
Many of us in our 30's, grew up listening to Mr. West. The people who listened to his music, were usually always the cool kids. Most were hype beast.
He is the scapegoat for us. He is the one that wrote " Jesus Walk ".
He also wrote "What Don't Kill Me, Only Makes Me Stronger.
He also wrote "What Don't Kill Me, Only Makes Me Stronger.
This man needs to start opening up schools. He needs to teach the freedom of thought. The mind he has. The things that he chooses to learn, the actions and the many many awards he's attained.
Did you know he has a Ph D in the Fine Arts? check out his graduate speech.
As the years progress and more truth comes to light.
This world will become more honest and more free.
This world will be connected as one, one day.
This world will be connected as one, one day.
With all these new leaders and free thinkers stepping into position. They will have different views and take different actions. They will have the knowledge of what the world really wants and needs and acts on it.
I believe this is the best time in life and it's only getting better. Day by day, minute by minute.
I named this post Our " Kanye West" because he's one of my leaders.
He teaches us it's okay to have so many random thoughts and things to say about life.
He gives us permission to speak our mind when we are angry and say hell aww to the incorrect.
Our Kanye West lives up to his own capabilities and we should do the same. Just like he preaches.
As we grow with our Kayne West, the world will become more honest and free with him ever so changing for more greatness.
Thank you Kayne West.